Friday, October 05, 2007

Facing Death: the Monty Python Sutra

Someone wrote and requested that I post something on this site for people facing death.

We are all facing death.

Therefore, this site in its entirety is for people facing death.

If the request is for people facing imminent death, then please be advised we are all facing imminent death.

If the request is for people who are absolutely, positively certain that they are going to die very, very soon then anything I might write here is utterly meaningless. Such people have already made their own decisions and are in many respects already dead anyway.

Just try to be reborn for the benefit of all sentient beings, won't you?

If someone is quite recently dead, then of course this would be a different issue. In that event we would refer your enquiry to the Department of People Facing Imminent Rebirth. Because we receive a large volume of such enquiries please be advised we may be forced to place you on hold. Your enquiry will be answered in the order it was received. The current estimated time of waiting is 49 days.

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